同意 cannot be obtained through:

An individual who is incapacitated by alcohol and/or drugs both voluntarily or involuntarily consumed may not give consent. Alcohol or drug related incapacitation is more severe than impairment, being under the influence, 或中毒. Evidence of incapacity may be detected from context clues, 比如说话含糊不清, 充血的眼睛, the smell of alcohol on the breath, 不稳定的均衡, 呕吐, unusual behavior or 无意识的ness. While context clues are important in determining incapacitation, they alone do not necessarily indicate incapacitation.
Persons unable to consent due to incapacitation also include, but are not limited to: persons under age 16; persons who are intellectually incapable of understanding the implications and consequences of the act or actions in question; and persons who are physically helpless. A physically helpless person is one who is asleep, 停电, involuntarily physically restrained, 无意识的, or, 出于其他原因, unable to communicate unwillingness to engage in any act.

饮酒 or drugs to render another person mentally or physically incapacitated as a precursor to or part of a sexual assault is prohibited. 饮酒, medications or other drugs by the respondent or accused does not excuse a violation of this Policy.

The use of physical strength or action (no matter how slight), 暴力, threats of 暴力 or intimidation (implied threats of 暴力) as a means to engage in sexual activity. A person who is the object of actual or threatened force is not required to physically, verbally or otherwise resist the aggressor.

Unreasonable pressure or emotional manipulation to persuade another to engage in sexual activity. When someone makes it clear that s/he does not want to engage in sexual behavior, or s/he does not want to go beyond a certain point of sexual activity, continued pressure beyond that point can be considered coercive. Being coerced into sexual activity is not consent to that activity.

"That's what I want too."

“今晚不行." (even if you've done it before)
"I may have had too much to drink."
使无能力/Severe intoxication.
You don't think they would agree to have sex if they were sober.
You are too intoxicated to gauge consent.
Your partner is asleep.
You are using physical force or size to have sex.
You hope your partner will say nothing and go with the flow.
You have asked repeatedly or put pressure on them.

You are not sure what the other person wants.
You feel like you are getting mixed signals.
You have not talked about what you want to do.
You assume that you will do the same thing as before.
Your partner stops or is not responsive.