
在前苏联, we are deeply committed to inclusive excellence and strive to promote a culture of antiracism, 鼓励具有挑战性的协作学习环境, 并提供与文化相关的教育. FSU is designated as an emerging Hispanic-Serving Institution by the Hispanic Association of 大学 and Universities and also belongs to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) 包容的卓越 community, providing national leadership in science education and exploring strategies that will lead to more inclusive science education. We are honored that our commitment earned FSU six Higher Education Excellence in 多样性 (HEED) Awards from INSIGHT Into 多样性. We encour年龄 applications from those who share our commitment to promoting a diverse, 欢迎, 包容的社区.

多样性, 股本, 包容, and antiracism are central to creating an environment in which our employees feel valued and can truly be successful.  相应的, 十大网赌信誉平台 endeavors to fulfill the objectives of 平等的机会 for all persons at all levels of employment.  十大网赌信誉平台提供平等的教育机会, co-curricular 和就业 opportunities at the University for all applicants, 学生, 员工不分种族, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 性别, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, 遗传信息, 婚姻或父母状况, 或符合所有适用法律的退伍军人身份, 法规和政策.  Inquiries regarding our non-discrimination policies may be directed to the Assistant Director of 平等的机会 at 508-626-4052 or the U.S. 教育部民权办公室617-289-0111.  For further information, view our Policy Statement on 非歧视和多样性 below.

代表性不足群体的成员, 少数民族, 女性, 退伍军人, 残疾人士, and all persons committed to 多样性 and inclusive excellence are strongly encour年龄d to apply.

We offer a comprehensive benefits pack年龄 for full time employees that includes:

  • 健康保险;
  • 牙科保险;
  • 人寿保险;
  • and participation in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' retirement programs.


  • optional deductions for health care spending accounts and dependent care assistance programs;
  • 丰厚的休假待遇;
  • 长期伤残保险;
  • 学费的福利;
  • 税收递延储蓄和退休计划(403b和457b);
  • 员工亲和组;
  • 现场幼儿教育项目;
  • 校园健康机会;
  • 性别包容的单人洗手间;
  • 和员工援助计划.

欲了解更多有关我们综合福利的详细信息,请联系 人力资源 [at] 弗雷明汉.edu (人力资源[在]弗雷明汉[点]edu)   

  • 新来者? 马萨诸塞州的弗雷明汉是“西部地铁的心脏”.  探索以下区域: 选择弗雷明汉.
  • 在Metrowest有很多事可做!  请查看 地铁西隧客运局 了解更多信息!
  • 使用公共交通工具? 的 MetroWest区域交通管理局 校园停留!  MWRTA为15个社区(阿什兰)提供巴士服务, 多佛, 弗雷明汉, Holliston, 数据, 哈德逊, 马尔堡, 米尔福德港, 纳蒂克, Sherborn, Southborough, 萨德伯里, 韦兰, 韦尔斯利, 和韦斯顿),并提供多个连接到波士顿MBTA系统.  

十大网赌信誉平台 understands that persons with specific disabilities may need assistance with the job application process and/or with the interview process. 在求职过程中提供保密协助, 请致电508-626-4530与人力资源办公室联系.

Please note that all hires are contingent upon the results of a criminal and sexual offender background check.

十大网赌信誉平台 is committed to respecting the privacy of the users of its job application Web site.

*纸质本可应要求提供. Please contact the Office of 人力资源 at 508-626-4530 or the 大学警察 Department at 508-626-4911.

十大网赌信誉平台 (“the University”) is committed to a policy of non-discrimination, 平等的机会, 多样性, 以及平权法案.  该大学致力于提供教育, working and living environments that value the diverse backgrounds of all people. 

大学不会非法歧视录取或获得, 或治疗或就业, 它的教育计划和活动是基于种族的, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 性别, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, 遗传信息, 婚姻或父母状况, 或者老兵身份.  美国niversity prohibits unlawful discrimination or discriminatory harassment on all of those bases.  这些行为违反了学校的反歧视政策, 歧视性骚扰和报复, 不会被容忍, and may result in disciplinary action up to and 包括 termination or expulsion.

美国niversity has appointed an 平等机会主任 (“EO Officer”) to oversee its compliance with these policies, as well as the state and federal non-discrimination and 平等的机会 laws.  有人有问题吗?, 对歧视的关注或抱怨, 歧视性骚扰或报复可联络行政主任.


金正日R. 德克斯特
人力资源助理副总裁 & 平等的机会
Title II/Section 504协调员
(508) 215-5859
kdexter [at] 弗雷明汉.edu (kdexter[在]弗雷明汉[点]edu)


Jay Hurtubise
(508) 626-4596
jhurtubise [at] 弗雷明汉.edu (jhurtubise[在]弗雷明汉[点]edu)


美国.S. 教育部
(617) 289-0111
Fax (617) 289-0150; TDD (877) 521-2172
光学字符识别.波士顿 [at] ed.政府 波士顿(光学字符识别[点][在]ed[点]政府)


符合其对不歧视的承诺, the University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education program or activity that it operates, and are required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) to not discriminate in such a manner. 的 requirement not to discriminate in the education program or activity extends to admission 和就业. Inquiries about the application of Title IX to the Universities may be referred to the University's Title IX Coordinator, 给民权办公室的助理秘书, 或两个.

美国niversity's Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy prohibits 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 跟踪, and retaliation as defined under Title IX and outlines the procedures for resolution of reports of these behaviors. 该大学提供教育和预防项目, services for individuals who have been affected by discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex, 和可访问, 及时和公平的调查和解决投诉的方法.

任何对任何形式的性暴力有疑问或担忧的人, 性骚扰, 基于性别的骚扰, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力 and 跟踪 and/or retaliation may also contact the Title IX Coordinator(s) or the U.S. 教育部,民权办公室.


金正日R. 德克斯特
人力资源助理副总裁 & 平等的机会
(508) 215-5859
titleix [at] 弗雷明汉.edu (titleix[在]弗雷明汉[点]edu)

Dr. 梅格·诺瓦克
(508) 626-4596
titleixstudent [at] 弗雷明汉.edu (titleixstudent[在]弗雷明汉[点]edu)

(508) 626-4565
tix体育运动 [at] 弗雷明汉.edu (tix体育运动[在]弗雷明汉[点]edu)

的 大学第九章协调员 is responsible for the University’s compliance with Title IX and the administration of the University’s Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy. 

大学反歧视政策, 歧视性骚扰和报复 and Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy apply in all University programs and activities, 包括, 但不限于, 体育运动, 指令, 分级, 住房, 和就业. 它们适用于校园社区的所有成员, 包括, 但不限于, 学生, 教师, 图书馆员, 工作人员, 游客, 雇佣或入学的承包商和申请人.  

探讨我们对不歧视的全面承诺, 平等的机会, 多样性和平权行动, 请查阅大学的 平等机会计划.








