凯尔特人 is designed to be a reflexive and collaborative resource: participants and award recipients are encouraged to pursue their interests and share their experiences with the University community through practica and collaborative events. Offering a range of dynamic activities and events, as well as grant opportunities, 凯尔特人 promotes and helps sustain the faculty's commitment to multiple forms of academic excellence.

凯尔特人 was established in October 2007. It provides support for faculty members during all phases of their careers at 弗雷明汉 State University. A mentoring program for first- and second-year faculty facilitates their transition to 弗雷明汉 State. 凯尔特人 funding supports scholarly and creative projects undertaken by faculty members. The Center holds events to discuss pedagogical issues and approaches, to showcase faculty 研究 completed with 凯尔特人 funding, and to honor individual faculty for their achievements. Other 凯尔特人 events include faculty workshops, reading groups, and a day for students to display their accomplishments.

凯尔特人 is a faculty-run organization with a steering committee of volunteers from across the disciplines assisting the directors. The first 凯尔特人 Co-董事 were Bridgett Perry-Galvin, Professor of Psychology, and Elaine Beilin, Professor of English. Patricia Luoto, Professor of Consumer Sciences, subsequently served as a Co-Director. From 2012-2015, Karen Druffel, Professor of Business, served as Director and Claudia Springer, Professor of English, served as Assistant Director. From 2015-2018, Elaine Beilin, Professor of English, served as Director and Jon Huibregtse, Professor of 历史, served as Assistant Director. During the Spring 2020 semester, Lina Rincón served as interim Director and May Hara served as Interim Assistant Director. 


Mission Statement

凯尔特人 will support faculty and librarians' professional development by organizing programs and activities to encourage innovative and effective pedagogy, 建议, 服务, 奖学金, and creative work. 


  • Support faculty and librarian well-being as a foundation for professional flourishing
  • To provide faculty and librarian funding for travel, 研究, creative work, innovation in teaching and 建议, and other small grants
  • To provide mentoring to faculty and librarians at all phases of their careers
  • To provide support relating to leadership development for faculty and librarians
  • To facilitate connection, interdisciplinary collaboration, and publicizing of faculty and librarian accomplishments, in all aspects of professional work
  • To champion diversity, 股本, and antiracism as central elements of teaching and learning and key commitments of 凯尔特人 and the 弗雷明汉 State University community